Caring For Medications

Submitted by: Brenda Williams

When a medicine is effective, it provides relief for the problem for which it was prescribed. There are many factors that determine the efficacy of a medicine. One has to do with how it is stored and cared for. The so-called medicine cabinet that is equipped with a mirror and installed above the bathroom lavatory is a standard in most American homes. And the majority of people use it to store their medications. However, this is not the best choice. The steam emanating from showers creates high humidity in bathrooms. The room temperature varies from hot to cool.

Most medicines are better stored in a cool, dry place. Some require refrigeration. When you pick up your prescription, it usually contains directions for storing. If it does not you should ask your pharmacist. Normally, the best storage area is one that is not exposed to humidity or extremes of temperature. If there are children in the household, medicines should be stored in areas that children cannot reach. Save the cabinet in the bathroom for extra toothpaste, nail clippers, razors and items that are not sensitive to humidity and temperature changes.

Medicine is often left over from a prescription. When this happens, many people allow it to remain in storage for months and even a couple of years and if the same ailment occurs again, they use it.


This is a dangerous practice for two reasons. The medicine can lose its potency and no longer be effective so no benefit will be derived from taking it. But even worse, over time when the medicine does lose its potency, it degrades into a harmful substance that can be toxic. It is recommended that people go through their medicine cabinet and dispose of any medications that have exceeded their expiry date or are over a year old.

When cleaning out the medicine cabinet, you should also inspect the various medications for changes in odor, color, or consistency. If this has happened, discard them. If tablets are stuck together, cracked or crumbling they should be thrown away even if they have not expired.

Ointments, creams, and lotions often separate, become discolored or harden over a period of time. If you notice this, discard them also. Pay particular attention to eye drops. Whether they are prescription or non-prescription, if they have been opened don’t keep them for over six months as bacteria can breed within the container and then cause an eye infection.

Very often over-the-counter medications are on sale in larger quantities at attractive prices. However, you should resist the temptation to purchase in bulk. Buy the size that your family will consume within six months. It may be slightly more expensive but it is safer. Keep your medicines in the original containers so that you can readily identify them and have the all of the directions for use available. Always keep the lids tightly closed to prevent deterioration.

And finally do not keep your medications near your bedside. If in a partially awake state, you can mistakenly take an extra dose of a medicine that you have already taken.

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