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Submitted by: Shaun Sumner
In Nov. 2013, I went into a diabetic coma for almost two full days and had a stroke at the exact same time. Being sentenced and confined to a wheelchair for the first three months slowly returning back to life, I could barely walk, talk, dress myself, shower and needed help going to the bathroom too!
After deciding to wait a couple of months to see if I would get any better (only bouncing back to about 30%), I ended up filing for disability in Jan. of 2014. Being denied twice, I finally hired Morgan & Morgan as my attorneys for my disability claim. After finally receiving my disability hearings on Aug. 2016/Oct. 2016, the judge ruled me unfavorable, without cause, in Jan. 2017. My advocate from Morgan & Morgan stated “it was because of my age (43) years old and how they don’t typically give people my age disability”. So, needless to say I’m having to start the application process all over again!
So, after being out of work for three years, no income, not helping out with bills, not even able to go shopping for clothes, (having very slow motor skills) not being able to lift anywheres of about 20lbs. Can barely write any more. Now I’m looking for sedentary work which is really the only kind of work I’ve been doing my whole life anyways. Except for the occasional light construction jobs I had in between.
So, back in Jan 29, 2013, I decided to start a company called “Marketing Products And Services” doing internet affiliate marketing (not knowing what I was about to get into, being very analytical and dissecting everything I do to a T and originally planned to get rich quick, which never happened obviously, all while I was attending DeVry University under the”Network Systems Administration” in the Cisco Program). Now knowing and understanding that this is a business and like a store front it takes time to grow a business getting prospects to trust me by creating legible, in depth understanding detail (empathy if you will), helping people instead of being out for myself can be very fulfilling and rewarding all on it’s own. So, I guess you can say I’m trying to pick up where I left off in the internet affiliate marketing game. Really trying to create something from nothing.
So, now I spend about 12 to 15 hours a day doing safe list marketing which is pretty much usually very time consuming ( without funds available to be able to upgrade). And if you’re broke like I am, then you to spend 12 to 15 hours a day signing up for safe lists just like me, trying to surf to gain credits to be able to promote your offer.
However, if you to are broke like me with the only lint in your pockets and no rattling of change in your pockets or the sound of crisp folding paper dollar ($$$) bills then you should go here ====>http://trackr.leadsleap.com/gwkn7h9gRITE NOW to sign up for my FREE offer with SFI! Absolutely no obligation to purchase anything EVER!
Company Name: Marketing Products And Services aka (M. P. A. S.)
Name: Shaun E. Sumne
Contact info:(317)722-9384
Email address:sumner.shauns@gmail.com
Address: 3734 N. Capitol Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46208
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About the Author: After this almost 4 year stretch of not working I’m so ready for something to happen.
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